1. Symptom & effect of beet armyworm
The 1st and 2nd instar (young larvae) feed the soft part of young foliage. From the 3rd instar, they can attack the reproductive parts such as flowers and young buds.
2. Prevention and Control
To prevent the damage of Beet armyworm, farmer should usually monitor the field’s status to earlier detecting the infestation and using Map Dona 265EC (Chlorpyrifos Methyl 250g/L + Indoxacarb 15g/L) to control.
3. Advantage of product
Map Dona 265EC – Exceeding any limitations
Dosage: 25 ml/16 water litter bottle
Note: To increase product’s quick absorbing and the ability to spread on the leaf surface, it should be combined with Map Green 6SL (dosage 100ml / 200 water litters) for extending the effectiveness, particularly in rainy season.
Wishing you a bountiful harvest!