1. Bugs and damage
Rice stink bugs (also known as suckers bugs, stink bugs, long bugs). Rice stink bugs mainly belong to the group with the scientific name “Leptocorisa varicornis, Fabr.
Bugs damage rice at an extremely important stage from flowering to ripening.
Rice stink bugs (also known as suckers bugs, stink bugs, long bugs). Rice stink bugs mainly belong to the group with the scientific name “Leptocorisa varicornis, Fabr.
2 Measures to manage harmful rice stink bugs
2.1 Farming practices and ecology
– Field sanitation.
– Sow simultaneously.
– It is possible to plant flowers with bold colors to attract natural enemies such as ladybugs, alkaloid beetles, three-chambered beetles, etc. These natural enemies eat the eggs of bugs to help reduce the number of pests.
2.2 Chemical measures
– When the number of bugs is high, the use of pesticides to intervene is a necessary and economic solution, helping to reduce the number of bugs quickly and effectively.
– Spray dosage: 0.5 – 0.75 liters / ha
– Spray water volume 320 liters / ha (25ml / 16 liter tank, 40ml / 25 liter tank).
– Should spray Taron 50EC to eliminate bugs in the early morning and cool afternoon, avoid spraying when the rice is “open”.
– Taron 50EC can be combined with Map Famy 700WP, Map Famy 35SC for blast disease management and Map Lotus 125WP pest management