PRM develops and increases population rapidly in the field, especially in high temperature conditions such as the summer-autumn crop. PRM sting and suck sap from plant, make rice grow slowly, reducing productivity and quality. In addition, PRM also attacks the Rice Flower, which made it not germinate. PRM stings and create wounds conducive to bacterial attack, forming yellow streaks caused by the bacteria.
To limit the harmful effects of PRM, Farmers should sow with efficient density of seeding, or transplant rice, Remove vegetation residues and weeds around the dike, where PRM’s nest. Need to detect PRM early to take timely management measures.
To help farmers prevent and destroy PRM. MPS introduces farmers to the product Map Go 20ME, which specializes in the treatment of PRM (dosage 100ml / 1000 m2). With active ingredients Emamectin benzoate 0.4% and Monosultap 19.6% help kill spiders with 4 mechanisms.
For PRM, it is recommended that farmers detect spiders early and use special medicines to help limit the damage of spiders, protect rice productivity in the best way.
To increase effectiveness when spraying, farmers can combine with other products such as Map Green 6SL (dosage 0.5 ml / 1 litter water). Map Green helps to penetrate quickly and evenly on the leaf surface, increasing the effectiveness of herbicides.
Dosage: Map Go 20ME 60ml + Map Green 6SL 12.5ml/25 litters water
We wish everyone a good harvest.