The brown plant hopper (BPH) is an sucking insect and seriously damage rice plant.
Adults and young suck the plant sap, cause leaves to initially turn orange-yellow before becoming brown and dry and this is a condition called “hopperburn”, which spread out on small area and then all the field in case without timely controlling.
Preventive and control measures:
To minimize the effect of BPH, it needs to combine simultaneously different methods following Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program as below:
– Use a resistant or tolerant rice varieties.
– Follow the seeding schedule and avoid staggered planting.
– Clean and remove weed from the field and surrounding areas to limit the BPH from last season.
– Avoid dense seeding, use a balanced dose of fertilizer, avoid exceeded amount of Nitrogen
– To protect the young rice plant, after seeding, flood the field and remain suitable water level for limiting the effect of BPH
– Usually monitor the field to find out BHP in time for chemical control when enough high population.
– Map Sun 500WP => Stop sucking immediately after intake
– Map Sun 500WP => Paralysing the motor nerve
– Map Sun 500WP => BHP stop feeding immediately and can not move & Prevention of egg laying
– Map Sun 500WP => Long duration sytemitization – Very safe for rice
– Map Sun 500WP => Dosage: 0.4kg/ha